Our Christmas Party

Well, we pulled it off!

Wednesday started with Jan making 4 litres of bread sauce at home which she said was very good. However after going off to write an email she burned the whole lot. Due to the amount and consistency she decided it would be a good idea to decant and put into carrier bags to put in the bin outside in the garden. Unfortunately on the way to the bin she dropped the lot! It took her half an hour to clear it up with a hose with low water pressure whilst trying to stop her two greedy dogs eating the lot. As a result Jan started all over again and made some more this morning. We made 150 roast potatoes and a vat of mash potato.

Carol made 5 litres of gravy, Christine and Richard made pigs in blankets and stuffing balls. Tables and decorations were put together by Mia, she had crocheted beautiful Christmas trees to decorate the tables. Tom and his daughter made the sweetie bags and Sally put together goodie packages also.

The evening was lovely. The atmosphere was great and everyone behaved themselves and even the drinking beforehand was kept to a minimum so nobody arrived under the influence.

NUTS Newbury Ukulele Town Strummers came in and played some festive songs. I was concerned that the noise would be an issue to some people but they turned out to be a great success. All five people really enjoyed themselves and offered to come back next year with song sheets and an amp.

It was really lovely to see everyone dressed up, everyone all got into the Christmas spirit. I know it was really appreciated by our clients.

Unfortunately one client came in very sad, he was very low and another sat with him for a while before he went outside. At some point he started to get chest pains so his cousin called the ambulance and was taken to hospital.

Dawson stood up last night to say thank you to all of us for our hard work and support. I know everyone is very grateful to us for everything that we do. I too am so pleased. It was great to see a year of hard work culminated into one evening. Sometimes I feel the weight I have put upon myself is too much and that I cannot carry on but nights like last night filled me with joy and happiness. To see so many people enjoying themselves was amazing.