Lucy's Success Story

I was a prolific offender and chaotic drug user for over 20 years. I had been to prison several times for long periods of time and was very hardened to my life on the street. I had always looked after myself and never trusted or asked anyone for help because I didn’t want it.
In 2019 I met Meryl and started using the food handout service. I was at rock bottom then and every morning when I opened my eyes it was devastating that I was still alive. I was a single female addict living in a tent beside the canal in the middle of winter.
Other services begged me to go and stay in the hostel, but I knew this would be a mistake for me.
Newbury Soup Kitchen volunteers all individually loved me and cared for me in their own way. Meryl and her team from day one have shown me genuine kindness and wanted nothing in return. from feeding me, just taking an interest in my well-being providing me with warm dry clothing even when I didn’t realise, I was cold and wet, medical help and support, cutting my hair and massaging my feet.
Most importantly for me they showed me trust. Everything they promised to do they have followed through with and then some. I truly believe without the constant support over the last couple of years I would have failed in my recovery. Meryl and another caring volunteer came with me every day throughout my Crown court case and trial where I was looking at a long prison sentence again. I don’t think I would be here as I would have given up on my own and gone back to my old ways as that was easy and comfortable for me.
When others turned their back on me the soup kitchen never did, even when I have messed up and been scared to admit it, they have always been there non-judgemental and with unconditional love and support. Newbury soup kitchen is more than just soup it’s a community family. …..
2022 I am now clean from drugs, now have a job and have started training in a career I have always wanted to do. Without Newbury Soup Kitchen this would have been nothing other than a dream.
Updated: 4th June 2022