Carrie - Kitchen Volunteer
I am a new volunteer at The Newbury Soup Kitchen and have really enjoyed being part of such an inspirational “good cause”. I run my own small business in the catering trade and hoped I could offer my services to the team in the kitchen.
I love being part of this friendly team of very kind people and I love feeling that I am doing something for someone else even in a small way. Our clients come and eat a hot, home cooked meal and sit in the warm and dry. They chat to the team, play cards, read the newspaper and I guess they feel safe for 2 hours in their week. Thursday evenings have a wonderful feel to them and I come away feeling that everyone has benefitted in some way.
This very special organisation helps its clients in many other ways too, they help with sorting out housing issues, they supply tents and first aid and one of our volunteers offers a hair dressing service! You never know where you might end up in life, and being homeless is tough and it might only take a wrong turn of events, a wrong decision and a bit of bad luck and it could be any of us. If I can help one person to get off the streets and start again then my Thursday evenings will have been totally worthwhile.
Thank you, Meryl, for allowing me to help out!