Volunteers Needed For SWEP Extended Winter Provision At Two Saints

With Christmas and the winter period approaching, we are receiving an increased amount of requests from people to help and volunteer at the Soup Kitchen this year. Unfortunately however we are unable to accommodate such requests at the moment as we are only open Thursday evenings and our existing volunteer rota has all sessions covered into the New Year. However, there are other ways you can volunteer.

Two Saints are asking for volunteers to support the intended SWEP Night shelter provision that they are providing.

Partner organisations in West Berkshire have joined forces to help rough sleepers as the temperature drops. From 1st November 2018, the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) will be activated to ensure that the most vulnerable rough sleepers have the support they need during cold weather.

West Berkshire Council will be working alongside local organisations including Two Saints, Newbury Soup KitchenWest Berkshire Homeless and Loose Ends.

Arrangements For The Extended Winter Provision

Arrangements for the extended winter provision will be provided to rough sleepers with a local connection to West Berkshire over the winter period. The extended provision will be in place from the 1st of November 2018 to the 31st of March 2019 and will be located at Two Saints.

Anyone wishing to access the provision will need to attend the Housing Service at the Council Offices at Market Street between 08.30am and 17.00pm Monday to Thursday and 08.30am and 16.30pm on a Friday.

To ensure that the provision is available to those who need it, please ensure that referring individuals have no other accommodation available to them and who would thus be otherwise rough sleeping.

Those authorised to use the extended provision will be able to access Two Saints from 19.00pm and will be provided with an evening meal and breakfast prior to leaving at 09.30am the next day. There are plans to provide some daytime activities, but these are not currently finalised and so arrangements will be confirmed by Two Saints at the start of each day.

Anyone who becomes homeless when the offices are closed should contact the council’s Emergency Duty Team on 01344 786543.

For more information, please read this article on the West Berkshire Council website.

The provision is the statutory requirement to provide accommodation when the temperature is forecast to be zero degrees centigrade or less for three or more consecutive nights. If this appears to be the case, individuals should be advised to approach us as above.

Volunteer At Two Saints

Two Saints are asking for volunteers to support the SWEP Extended Winter Provision ‘night shelter’ that they are providing. If you feel you can support Two Saints and help rough sleepers during the coming winter months, members of the public are asked to please contact Two Saints via this form or email hrteam@twosaints.org.uk

Advice To The Public

If you become aware of a rough sleeper who is unknown to services, please submit a referral via StreetLink and they will be visited by our Outreach team.

StreetLink exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them.

Streetlink is available to download for IOS and Android operating systems with GPS positioning.